I went for a meeting yesterday at the main campus regarding a hotlink event in my college. To my surprise, I was among the chosen one to be a student leader for the event on this thursday. It is like being a school representative during the lauching of Mobile Youth Club by Hotlink at my college. I felt so fortunate and of course over the moon because it was as though i was given privilege to shine.

This upcoming event on thursday is sponsered by the Hotlink. Basically Hotlink has refurnished our student lounge with their latest gadgets and services. So this Thursday will be the official day for the lanch of this Mobile Youth Club. From the person-in-charge, I got to know that there will be press media on the day because my college is the pioneer to be having the Mobile Youth Club.

Can't wait for tomorrow because the other student leaders and I will be meeting up with the hotlink staffs for arrangements and discussion. I hope everything will turn out great on Thursday!!


Huei-Wen said...

congratulation STUDENT REP!

ahah i can say you back :D

and btw, nice layout :D