So sorry I hardly update my post. Will do it more often. :)

College days are just so different with what I had in mind. I always thought college is cool, flexible study hours, do not have the need to wear the standard uniform and have the freedom to do stuff I like. My god! It is a far cry from reality. College has no fix time for class. My classes end at different time everyday. So sometimes i am only left with the night hours to do my stuff. To make things worse, I still need to wake up as early as i used to last year to avoid the jam. The biggest headache is have to figure out what looks best on me every morning. It is not easy. Picking and matching clothes was nevr easy for me. Haha.........

I better stop ranting. Look on the bright side. There is a part of me who really enjoy college. I always anticipated the start of college because i love the subjects and my friends there. Very funny every lunch break. Always feel my day with laughters. Not forgetting there are also piles of homework. I guess i am starting to enjoy college after all. Love it and will enjoy it to the fulliest.

Ya, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to everyone! Have a prosperous 2009!


Gift of time said...

glad tat u're being positive as described in ur blog name ^^b keep it is fun ^o^