I am so frustrated now. There is a ball of fire in me which i can no longer suppress in me. After so many years of revolution, I still cant believe that there is still inequality among men and women!!! What is wrong with the world? We can accept the fact that the earth is round even though people in the early century thought that the earth is square, we can invent planes to fly us way above the ground but we cannot have equality among men and women. Why is that women are always place at disadvantage. Are we wrongly interpreted as weaklings because we are gentle, graceful and not physically strong as men? Or is it because of the custom that girls should always keep their mouth shut and do as what they are told??

After watching a documentary about the life of women in India. I gave a deep thought about this topic. OH my god!! Girls in India are pitiful and live a miserable life to the extreme. As soon as a child is born families and society begin the process of gendering. The birth of the son is celebrated, the birth of a daughter filled with pain; sons are showered with love, respect, better food and proper health care. Boys are encouraged to be tough and outgoing; girls are encouraged to be homebound and shy. Having a daughter in the family is regarded as disgraceful and demeaning. Many infant baby girls are burned to death even before they are one month old. What idiotic parents will do so??

Tears started welling up my eyes when i heard this widow saying this: " I miss my children and I have not seen them for 20 years. Maybe they thought i was dead already. This is life." In India, If your husband died, then you will be totally isolated by the entire society because they regard widows as unlucky, jinx and bring bad luck to anyone who were to approach them. Therefore, all the widows in india will stay together in a centre after being chase out of their homes. They are not finacially independent and thus need to beg on the streets just to earn a living. Some were so desperate to survive that they sell themselves as prostitute just to live from hand to mouth. What hurts more is that there were girls as young as 20 years old being a widow and lost the freedom to lead a normal life. Young girls in India do marry to man as old 60 years old which can be their grandfathers. If they are unlucky and their old husbands passed away, then their fate is sealed. How preposterous and absurd is this?

I do not know whether to admire them or think that they are plain naive because they just accept life and fate as it is without trying fight back. A lady was interviewed to tell more her state of life. And guess what she said.... I am vulnerable and all i can do is to pray to god and accept my life. Thank god I am not born in India where customs and traditions are so strongly rooted in the society. Glad that i was given a fair chance to receive education, voice my opinion, get to day 'I do' to the person I love and not being explioted.

I just pray that those women suffering in silience will get their voices heard soon by the world because no one have the right to treat others at such a cruel and senseless way. In India, borned as a girl means that you will have no say in the society and men can just push you around. That is literally putting an end to a girl's life.

Equality.............How true is it in India??


Siew Ming said...

this is like 0% equality. gosh, i feel sad for them too. and as i was reading it, i recalled orang assabiah (not sure if it's assabiah, oops!) in sejarah. they kinda have the same fate, which means the India's community really gots ta catch up with the world's pace of modern life, or they'll be a lot left behind by others.

Huei-Wen said...

oh is that the same hong kong documentary i watched?

it was about india and the content is about the same!

yeaah i was quite sad when watching the documentary, thank god we're not in india. i cant imagine being dicriminated and humiliated just like that.

Given a Glimpse said...

I think we watched the same documentary show. Glad we watched the same show.

Siew Ming
Ya, semangat assabiah has no beneficial value. Haha, refresh our memory of Form 5 sejarah.